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We are happy to invite you to the open evening for the 200 Hr Active Balance Yoga Teacher Training Diploma.

Location: Rosewell Centre, Holywell Rd, Castle Bytham, NG33 4SL

Date: Friday 15th July, from 6.00 pm until 8.30 pm

Cost: £20/person

Join us for some lovely yoga practice and take this opportunity to meet the team! We welcome your questions and we are more than happy to discuss the conditions of participation in the 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training, accreditation, the structure and content of the course, the flexible interest-free payment plans, and much more.

Not sure if you are ready to take the first step toward becoming a yoga teacher? We are offering you an insight into the journey ahead. You will have the opportunity to speak with some of our yoga teacher graduates, who are happy to share their experiences with you. We will have our trainee manual and workbooks on display as well as a sample of graduates' professional portfolios.

This course offers two qualifications for its participants and enables you to teach as soon as you graduate:

- 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Diploma

- Meditation Teacher Certificate

It will be a fun evening and everyone is welcome regardless of their level of flexibility, age, or experience.

Book online to attend the Active Balance Yoga Open Evening or email us at! We look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat!


It’s been a superb journey and a privilege to assist you all on your journey toward becoming Certified Yoga Teachers! We had lots of laughter, some tears, and your dedication to your training has made my work with the group an absolute pleasure!

Well done on completing your final weekend of training - a marathon of yoga practices! Amazing progress for each one of the participants! ❤️🧘‍♀️❤️

Our next accredited Yoga Teacher Training programme starts in September at the beautiful Rosewell Centre in Castle Bytham!


The St. Barnabas Sponsored Yogathon is making a comeback!

St Barnabas Hospice is a local independent charity who supports more than 10,500 people across Lincolnshire with a life-limiting or terminal illness each year. They deliver free, high-quality, compassionate end-of-life care and support to patients, their families and carers. They aim to enable them to live as fully as they are able for however many days, weeks or months they have left.

They are reliant on the financial support the community provides, to be there for more patients, their families and carers, every day of the year.

We would love to welcome as many participants as possible. It will be a lot of fun!! Join in the St. Barnabas Sponsored Yogathon on Sunday 26th June from 10:30 until 13:30.

You can take part in the 108 Sun Salutations challenge or, if you prefer a slower pace, there will be gentle yoga suitable for all abilities!

To express your interest and receive a sponsorship form, you can contact us directly or register as 'going' on our Facebook Event: . There is a £10.00 registration fee, which you can pay directly to St. Barnabas Hospice via our JustGiving page. Be sure to provide your name or initials, so we can identify your payment:

ALL money raised, including registration fees, will go to this wonderful local charity!!

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